
Blog tagged as Enterprise

Limit the spread of COVID-19 by working remotely - Zoho Remotely for free

COVID-19, or the Corona Virus, is having a significant effect on how we interact. The consequences of this virus are not yet entirely known, but one thing we do know is that the rate of infection has taken everybody by surprise. Whilst a wide-spread panic is not going to help anyone, some precaution...

Matt Koopmans
11.03.20 08:21 AM - Comment(s)
Three characteristics of a Product Owner that can make or break your Agile Software Implementation

When ready to start your Digital Business Transformation Journey, you have selected the platform, and assembled the team to implement (Systems Integrator, Software Vendor, or a collection of contractors) - there even is the Scrum Master. But how do you decide to select the Product Owners? Simple, ri...

Matt Koopmans
26.01.20 03:02 PM - Comment(s)
Essential software for your agile delivery

All you need to deliver an Agile project is sticky notes, and a place to stick them... So far, this has been true - sort of. The daily stand-up is a great way to provide updates and ask for help - but agile has morphed beyond the small team that is co-located. Products are divided into multiple smal...

Matt Koopmans
06.01.20 05:59 PM - Comment(s)
Zoho One - the gift that keeps on giving

Zoho One was released in 2017, and at the time it was a revolutionary way to deliver business applications to any size business: an "all you can eat buffet" of software applications you need to run your business, for the admission price of AUD 50 per employee per month (USD 35, EUR 35) - i...

Matt Koopmans
23.12.19 02:01 PM - Comment(s)
Focus on features, and you will not get the outcome

What is the most important thing to focus on when selecting a business application? Hands down, it is outcome. Yet we seem to be conditioned to focus on features. Features don't deliver anything, unless you use them - and used features may not lead to the outcome you need. Why are we focused on feat...

Matt Koopmans
14.12.19 10:47 AM - Comment(s)
The Office - the place you do your best work, or a daycare centre for adults?

The office has gone through some interesting evolution over the last century - from a classroom style where the "manager" sits in the front, and rows of employees with typewriters in front of them hitting the right levers on these noisy machines - to the Beanbag, Pool and Foosball table fi...

Matt Koopmans
09.12.19 01:40 PM - Comment(s)
If you are not mobile, you're not anywhere - Business Applications in a mobile world

Cloud and Mobile - they go hand in glove. But how mobile-friendly is your business process, and is the suite of applications supporting this? What is mobile anyway? Does this mean running everything on a mobile phone? And should you jump in, just because "it's there"? What are the consider...

Matt Koopmans
02.12.19 07:12 PM - Comment(s)
Zoho Mail - the unsung hero of email collaboration?

If you run a business, you have email. What's left to innovate with email? This same question was posed in 2004, when Google launched GMail. The innovation Google brought to the table was: "don't browse but search your inbox". This was a massive innovation - it changed the way we handled o...

Matt Koopmans
17.11.19 11:44 AM - Comment(s)
Your purpose is your customer, PERIOD.

A "purpose driven business", fashionable, but what is it exactly? And what purpose is driven by the business? Most importantly - does it matter?

The answer to the last question is YES! It matters - but not in the way you would expect. In this article, we break down the purpose, and what dr...

Matt Koopmans
10.11.19 12:47 PM - Comment(s)
Success with your Digital Transformation Program - Revolution or Evolution?
Sustained change is a long running process. Sustained change, therefore, is rarely revolutionary - where many things are fundamentally changed at once - as too many of those will lead to inherent roadblocks in dependent processes, causing the whole system to collapse.
Matt Koopmans
03.11.19 02:06 PM - Comment(s)