Information and Education

Blog categorized as Information and Education

Don't tell me to keep safe in 2021! (change our language to become successful again)

When we lead in 2021, it is tradition to do a round-up of the year past. 2020 was a year that does not deserve such accolade. You are reading this article - great, you made it through. Let's leave it at that. I'd rather focus on the year ahead. And in particular, what we can do to make it succes...

Matt Koopmans
30.12.20 09:43 AM - Comment(s)

Right - here we go - another clickbait article... Not quite, read on, because your local small business is essential for both the economy of your community and therefore country, it is essential for remaining free to make your own choices. I urge you to read on...

The role of small business in the co...

Matt Koopmans
09.12.20 05:20 PM - Comment(s)
What is a Digital Business, and why should you care?

The "fourth industrial revolution" is upon us. That may be true, but it will not look like what they concoct in Davos - the digital transformation will be an enabler for small business, serving their communities, and while opening trade on a global scale. "Transnational Localism"...

Matt Koopmans
19.11.20 06:57 PM - Comment(s)
Small business in Rural Australia? You are more important than ever!

The concentration of business in the Australian capital cities means as a consequence the concentration of support services to these businesses. This is a real problem for those in rural Australia to get access to the same level of high quality services that can only be built on the investment allow...

Matt Koopmans
09.11.20 12:48 PM - Comment(s)
Value versus optics - considerations in selecting your digital business platform

Pay attention next time you drive: there are those that switch on the fog-lights (no, I am not referring to the day-time running lights) during a clear day or evening. Why? Somehow it generates the perception that it makes their German luxury sedan or SUV faster or distinctively more "sporty...

Matt Koopmans
17.08.20 06:25 PM - Comment(s)
The sub-optimisation of perfection paradox

"The Perfect CRM" - or "The Perfect Tool to manage Agile Delivery" - how much are you willing to spend for "perfection"? It turns out, you'll have to budget much more than initially intended. Read on...

The perception of perfection

What is perfect anyway? Is it what the c...

Matt Koopmans
07.08.20 10:25 AM - Comment(s)
What is a Digital Business?

With COVID-19 causing many businesses to lock their offices and have their employees work from home, there is a renewed interest in a "digital business" - so that people could be productive from everywhere - or anywhere. But is that really all a digital business is? A shared cloud storage,...

Matt Koopmans
27.07.20 04:39 PM - Comment(s)
Why your emails may end up in SPAM

Sending an email - we don't really think about what it takes to make the email arrive at the destination. You type your text, enter the recipients address, add a concise subject, and hit send. But when moving from a consumer email address (provided by your internet service provider, or a Gmail, Yaho...

Matt Koopmans
13.07.20 08:17 AM - Comment(s)
What is success? Success management expedited or exposed?

If any role has become prevalent in the last five years, it is the "Customer Success Manager" at Business Application vendors. The premise is that successful customers buy more software - simple, clear, and difficult to dispute. But customer success has many dimensions - short, mid, and lo...

Matt Koopmans
06.07.20 04:05 PM - Comment(s)
Digital Transformation - who transforms the transformers?

The last decade was filled with the term: Digital Transformation. The "Cloud" was going to bring the "fourth industrial revolution". There certainly have been some changes in the last decade, but a revolution? - Far from it. A much larger and faster transformation occurred during...

Matt Koopmans
23.06.20 09:43 AM - Comment(s)