Limited Offer for Small Business - up to $6,000,- per year off on your Small Business Subscription*

21.03.24 12:03 PM By Matt Koopmans

Small business is the motor of the economy in Australia. At Aurelian Group, we want to add our support to small businesses, as a way to give back to the small business community. For a limited time, our Small Business plan is discounted. This means you get to enjoy our services that include software to run your business, our implementation services, support, maintenance, and enhancement in one subscription, and for a limited time, at a discounted rate!

Who is this for?

  • You are a small business owner
  • Your business has 10 employees or less
  • You need software to run your business (from marketing to email communications, from customer relationship management to accounting)

What do I get?

  • Access to over 40 software applications for 10 users to manage your business (email hosting, productivity, CRM, accounting, inventory management, eCommerce store, eSignatures, website builder and hosting, intranet, project management, cloud storage, online meetings, appointment scheduling, business intelligence and reporting, and more.
  • Implementation services - our team is ready to get the software up and running for you to suit your business
  • Support - a support ticketing system, with people in Australia assisting you where needed
  • Maintenance - we manage your updates, keep an eye on security, and manage your user profiles
  • Enhancements - when your business requirements change, or you change your mind - we are here for you as part of the plan

In short - you get the software, as well as the IT team and CIO services for your company, a team that works with you to support the infrastructure enabling the growth for your business

* Special Offer - Limited time only

Yes - you see that right - normally for all the elements stated above, you'd pay $2490 per month. If you sign up before June 30 2024, you get that for $1990. That is $500 you get to keep in your pocket (or spend it elsewhere in your business). You will receive $500 discount on the Small Business Plan for the duration of your subscription. The following terms and conditions apply to this offer:

  • You sign up before close of business June 30, 2024
  • You currently have 10 or less employees in your business (contact us if you have more) - all employees are covered by the licence
  • You agree to the subscription terms and conditions, and sign up via the link above
  • You agree that the plan constitutes an annual commitment, with monthly payments
  • All prices presented are exclusive of GST

Want to know more? Or discuss? We will be more than happy to discuss!

All this for only $1990 per month for 10 users, and it includes the services? Feel like you must be missing something? Book a meeting with us, and we will show you - you will get all this!

Matt Koopmans