
Blog tagged as Leadership

The sub-optimisation of perfection paradox

"The Perfect CRM" - or "The Perfect Tool to manage Agile Delivery" - how much are you willing to spend for "perfection"? It turns out, you'll have to budget much more than initially intended. Read on...

The perception of perfection

What is perfect anyway? Is it what the c...

Matt Koopmans
07.08.20 10:25 AM - Comment(s)
What is a Digital Business?

With COVID-19 causing many businesses to lock their offices and have their employees work from home, there is a renewed interest in a "digital business" - so that people could be productive from everywhere - or anywhere. But is that really all a digital business is? A shared cloud storage,...

Matt Koopmans
27.07.20 04:39 PM - Comment(s)
What is success? Success management expedited or exposed?

If any role has become prevalent in the last five years, it is the "Customer Success Manager" at Business Application vendors. The premise is that successful customers buy more software - simple, clear, and difficult to dispute. But customer success has many dimensions - short, mid, and lo...

Matt Koopmans
06.07.20 04:05 PM - Comment(s)
Digital Transformation - who transforms the transformers?

The last decade was filled with the term: Digital Transformation. The "Cloud" was going to bring the "fourth industrial revolution". There certainly have been some changes in the last decade, but a revolution? - Far from it. A much larger and faster transformation occurred during...

Matt Koopmans
23.06.20 09:43 AM - Comment(s)
When the curve flattens - a post Covid-19 world from an Australian SME perspective

Australia is often referred to as "The Lucky Country" - blessed with beautiful scenery, natural wonders, areas with great soil for agriculture, and resources. Many resources. But luck does not give you the edge, the edge is gained by understanding the advantages and using these to compete....

Matt Koopmans
27.04.20 12:15 PM - Comment(s)
Post COVID-19 - getting ready for the structural changes

The COVID-19 crisis is affecting us all. We will also get through it. So far, we have survived at least two cataclysmic impacts (Younger Dryas), super-volcano eruptions (Toba), various forms of plague, and the Spanish Flu - and we survived all that without the wonders of modern technology or medicin...

Matt Koopmans
26.03.20 12:54 PM - Comment(s)
Limit the spread of COVID-19 by working remotely - Zoho Remotely for free

COVID-19, or the Corona Virus, is having a significant effect on how we interact. The consequences of this virus are not yet entirely known, but one thing we do know is that the rate of infection has taken everybody by surprise. Whilst a wide-spread panic is not going to help anyone, some precaution...

Matt Koopmans
11.03.20 08:21 AM - Comment(s)
Three characteristics of a Product Owner that can make or break your Agile Software Implementation

When ready to start your Digital Business Transformation Journey, you have selected the platform, and assembled the team to implement (Systems Integrator, Software Vendor, or a collection of contractors) - there even is the Scrum Master. But how do you decide to select the Product Owners? Simple, ri...

Matt Koopmans
26.01.20 03:02 PM - Comment(s)
The Office - the place you do your best work, or a daycare centre for adults?

The office has gone through some interesting evolution over the last century - from a classroom style where the "manager" sits in the front, and rows of employees with typewriters in front of them hitting the right levers on these noisy machines - to the Beanbag, Pool and Foosball table fi...

Matt Koopmans
09.12.19 01:40 PM - Comment(s)
Your purpose is your customer, PERIOD.

A "purpose driven business", fashionable, but what is it exactly? And what purpose is driven by the business? Most importantly - does it matter?

The answer to the last question is YES! It matters - but not in the way you would expect. In this article, we break down the purpose, and what dr...

Matt Koopmans
10.11.19 12:47 PM - Comment(s)